*** To qualify for the Reading & Clearing, you must 1st take the Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity™ Quiz as a prerequisite, so we know your primary Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity™ Archetype, as well as your key supporting Archetypes that make up your unique Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity™ language & blueprint.

  • Would you like personal guidance on how to be in your highest expression of your Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity Archetypes?

  • Do you feel you have past wounds or trauma standing in the way or slowing you down from fully embodying your Sacred Pleasure and/or Prosperity and want help to liberate your soul from the past, so you can be in your most playful peaceful expression right now?

  • Are you a couple wanting guidance on how to best align your 2 unique Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity languages so they compliment one another in the highest way, verses collide?

  • Or are you single and want to discover how the other Archetypes compliment your primary one, so you know how to create a more compatible and harmonized experience with your future partner.

  • Do you sense that you have inherited karmic imprints of your ancestors and the frequency of that is in your energy field interfering with your sacred pleasure & prosperity? Do you want to be free from this so you can create your own legacy?


Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity Reading & Clearing for Couples:

Sexual intimacy and money are the two most common topics behind the cause of tension in relationships. This Archetype reading and clearing will provide you with powerful knowledge that will contribute to nourishing the precious love that you share.

We all speak a unique language when it comes to how we think and behave around money and intimacy. Understanding the intricacies of your unique languages through the clarity that the Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity™ Archetypes reading provides is a game changer.
- It will transform contraction to clarity.
- It gives you the knowledge to create even more harmony.
- It's fascinating and fun information.
- It can literally save a relationship, and prevent issues before they happen.

PART 1: Your Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity™ Reading.
We will dive into your entire blueprint chart and you will receive full clarity on how to neutralize your challenges and be in the highest expression of your unique Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity™ Archetype language.

You will receive full clarity on how to best align your Archetypes with one another, so moving forward your unique Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity™ Archetypes language will always compliment one another, verses collide.


PART 2: Your Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity™ Clearing.
We will dive deep into clearing what is revealed during the reading as your most prominent issue that is blocking you or slowing you down from creating and experiencing the pleasure and prosperity that belongs to you. We will go to the root of that issue, wound, or trauma and clear it at the source. Once the clearing takes place at the root source, the results are permanent.

- There are 2 clearings with this package.
- You can decide between you who receives a clearing first.
- We will take a short 15 minute break between each clearing.
- We will then do a closing, completing with new agreements between you.

Total Time: 4.5 Hours
Total investment: $555 USD

Private one-on-one with Jaitara

Total Time: 45 Minutes
Total investment: $129 USD

Archetype Reading & Clearing for One Person:

If this Blueprint Reading & Clearing is just for you, then we will schedule both the reading and the clearing to be received all on the same day.

PART 1: Your Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity™ Reading.

We will dive into your entire Blueprint chart and you will receive full clarity on how to neutralize your challenges and be in the highest expression of your unique Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity™ Archetype language. You will be given advice and exercises to do on your own after our time together, to strengthen and maintain being in the highest expression of your Archetypes.


PART 2: Your Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity™ Clearing.
We will dive deep into clearing what is revealed during the reading as your most prominent issue blocking you or slowing you down from creating and experiencing the pleasure and prosperity that belongs to you. We will go to the root of that issue, wound, or trauma and clear it at the source. Once the clearing takes place at the root source, the results are permanent.

Total Time: 2.5 hours
Total investment: $333 USD

Private one-on-one with Jaitara.

Total Time: 30 Minutes
Total investment: $97 USD

Thank you

I look forward to connecting with you, and guiding you on this transformational and magical journey, as I support you to express from your most playful, peaceful, passionate self in your Divine calling and in love.




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