This book is my heart and soul. It was 6 years in the making, and launched in 2018, with the blessing of an endorsement from the Master himself, Don Miguel Ruiz.
These Four Sacred Laws channeled through me. They are referred to as "Laws" because when you embody them, it is inevitable that you will experience a path of enlightenment in your sexual expression, embodiment, and exploration.
The Four Sacred Laws are:
1. The Gift
2. Healing & Forgiveness
3. Responsibility
4. The Invitation
Much love,
Your Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity Blueprint
Your Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity™ Blueprint is a package deal of both a quiz and an e-book. This quiz is the most powerful one on the planet to identify your unique Archetype language around money, prosperity, self-care, and intimacy. The accuracy is astounding!
The companion book gives you the insight to point a finger at what has not been working and to shift unhealthy patterns into greater peace, playfulness, sacred pleasure, and prosperity; opening a doorway to freedom in the expression of your love, intimacy, and Divine calling.
We are designed for pleasure… but not surface level pleasure; pleasure that is deep soul connected, spiritually fulfilling pleasure. Imagine prosperity being fueled from that!
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