* My unique speciality is with clearing the sexual wound imprint, however my methods are equally as effective at clearing any past wound imprint that arises during a session, including all forms of past abuse, the money wound, ancestral wounds, persecution...


Sexual energy created your human existence; therefore, it is at the root of your creative force. Just like a tree, if your roots are unhealthy or constricted in any way, you can never blossom to your full potential. There will always be a part of you holding back to protect this vulnerable aspect of yourself. When you are holding back, you are holding back… period! This filters into every area of your life and in everything you create.

Even if celibacy is your choice, make that choice from a space of inner peacefulness, verses contraction due to past wounding.

When your sexual body… the root of your creative life force energy is clear, healthy, and whole, it impacts all expression...

  • You feel liberated at the core of your soul.

  • You feel a new sense of safeness, freedom & joy in your body.

  • You exude more confidence.

  • Your voice has deeper resonance and feels more grounded.

  • You are a more playful peaceful version of yourself, in intimacy and through the expression of your Divine calling.

  • You embody a deep inner calmness.

Do you relate to any of this?

  • Were you sexually abused as a child and even though you’ve done a lot of work on yourself, you still feel the ouch of this tender wound?

  • Or maybe you don’t have a memory of sexual abuse, but you intuitively feel something is not quite right?

  • Do you sense that you inherited sexual wounds of your ancestors and still carry this in your energy field?

  • Do you feel disconnected from the sacredness and beauty of your sexual body?

  • Did past religious influence leave an imprint of shame?

Imagine this...

In just 90 minutes reclaim the part of you that has been holding back to protect this vulnerable aspect of yourself... and step into a new feeling of inner peace, self-love, and spiritual expansion within your sexual body.

This work is powerful and effective. What we clear during each session is permanent.
Beloved One, it's time for your Divine Reclamation.

Don't have a sexual wound imprint?

This work is equally as powerful for clearing other karmic imprints, such as money wounds, ancestral trauma, shame, the persecution imprint, and any type of past abuse.

*** If you are currently still in an abusive relationship, this is not the work I do. I specialize in wound imprints from the past. So, please seek help. Find a shelter. Do what you need to do to get safe.

Then once you are free from your abuser, and when you feel ready, I can help you clear the energy from the abuse that still remains in your energy field, your soul, and your body.


Let's get started...

Deep Dive Clearing

1 Session: $240 USD

40% savings on 1st session ($144).

Use coupon code: CLEARING40

Package of 3 Sessions

$580 USD

Let's take this journey together, layer by layer.

Consultation call

Have questions before booking?

Book a free consultation with Jaitara to receive the clarity you need.

* Once you pay for your session & "Complete Order", you will land on the calendar page to schedule your first session.

Want to test it out first?

Want to experience this work before committing to a private session with me?
Then I invite you to attend one of our Clear the Sexual Wound Imprint, bi-monthly live online group clearing events.
To honor your privacy, you can attend, participate, and receive the clearing without being on camera.

How can I make this claim?

How can I make the claim to clear the Sexual Wound Imprint in so little time. After all, you’ve already done a lot of work and years later, you still feel the sting from this dark time in your past, or maybe it’s from a past life… so how can I help you free yourself of this in just one day?

Because clearing this particular wound is my specialty. For many years I’ve gathered experience, training, and refined my skills and gifts to be able to make this promise to you. At 67 years young, my experience is more than most, and the vitality, inner peacefulness, and joy I feel for life is the result of my embodiment of this work.

I have specialized in facilitating Sacred sexual healing and enlightenment for almost 20 years. In 2022 when I discovered The Compassion Keys® modality, I knew it was the missing piece I was looking for. It finally made it possible for me to clear the sexual wound imprint virtually, verses needing you to come visit my studio in person. I find this very exciting, as now I can help you no matter where in the world you live.

Now as a certified Compassion Key® Master Practitioner, combined with my own methods, this is the most powerful and beautiful process I have ever experienced for clearing past trauma.

Our light body and our physical sexual body are designed to be merged as one. For centuries there has been an attempt to split them. After all, how better to control a society than to inflict shame and judgement upon the very energy that creates our human existence and the very energy that we cannot resist. It’s time to shatter this distorted illusion.

The truth is, when our Divine light body merges with our physical sexual body from a space of peacefulness with everything from our past, it is a joy unlike any other. It’s how we are created or it would not be possible. It is our Divine Design.

“Jaitara, the space you are able to hold is very unique—and I have tried A LOT throughout my life. The Mother Goddess embodied.” ~ Eva Charlotte Larsson Ruiz; Founder of R.I.S.E. In Love™, and Global Peacemakers™

“I reached out to Jaitara to help me release past pain that was connected to childhood sexual abuse that I experienced. She created a safe space for me to share my vulnerability around such a tough topic. Her wisdom, guidance and clearings were exactly what my younger self needed. Giving me permission to scream out a no that had been trapped in my body for 37 years, I found myself releasing on all levels. I feel like I have a voice again, that I have permission to speak, to honor myself and celebrate myself. My creativity was unlocked. If you are thinking about working with Jaitara, just do it! No hesitation. Your younger self will thank you.” ~ Catherine Graham; Intuitive Psychic and Energy Healer; Ontario, Canada

“Jaitara, the space you are able to hold is very unique—and I have tried A LOT throughout my life. The Mother Goddess embodied.” ~ Eva Charlotte Larsson Ruiz; Founder of R.I.S.E. In Love™, and Global Peacemakers™

“I reached out to Jaitara to help me release past pain that was connected to childhood sexual abuse that I experienced. She created a safe space for me to share my vulnerability around such a tough topic. Her wisdom, guidance and clearings were exactly what my younger self needed. Giving me permission to scream out a no that had been trapped in my body for 37 years, I found myself releasing on all levels. I feel like I have a voice again, that I have permission to speak, to honor myself and celebrate myself. My creativity was unlocked. If you are thinking about working with Jaitara, just do it! No hesitation. Your younger self will thank you.” ~ Catherine Graham; Intuitive Psychic and Energy Healer; Ontario, Canada

"My session with Jaitara was phenomenal. She wisely and lovingly guided me to deep healing around sexual trauma, body shame, a lifetime of rejection and wanting to die since birth. Before our session, my soul knew that our time together would be life changing, and it was." ~ Wendy H. - Olympia, WA

"Wow, what a profound session! Jaitara lovingly and skillfully guided me through a deep clearing and integration of multiple wounded parts. The energy she helped me move was incredible! I would highly recommend Jaitara to others (women in particular) doing the deep healing work in order to become the healthiest, most joyful and powerful versions of themselves!" ~ Kristy C. - Ontario, Canada

"Jaitara immediately created a safe space for us to begin and quickly zeroed in on on the core issues I’d presented to her. I had releases of guilt and shame that I’d not been able to get to the bottom of even after over 40 years of spiritual and personal development work. She lovingly helped my wounded younger selves understand what had happened so that I could finally let go of my blocks in two significant areas of my life. I’m so grateful and honoured to have worked with Jaitara." ~ Nancy T. - Vancouver Island, Canada

"Was an amazing session. Jaitara has such a kind, gentle and warm energy about her. I felt some major shifts as we worked through years of sexual abuse. I would highly recommend booking with her!" ~ Vix. - Seattle, WA

“Jaitara Jayde gave me a gift. A gift to feel joy in my body, to feel love and excitement about being in my body, a sense of freedom and connection I haven’t felt in a long time or maybe never in this lifetime. After our session, I was dancing, singing and laughing throughout my day. I am so grateful for your compassion and guidance, Jaitara. With all my heart I can say within this gratitude I feel love for you. Thank you.” – Josephine K

“The deepest gratitude for Jaitara. Thank you for guiding me to my deepest held fears and pain… and gently restoring my deepest layer of unhealed wounds with love, safety, joy and freedom… that was nothing short of a miracle, and the most incredible healing shift I have ever experienced. I had such a deep and peaceful sleep last night after our session, and I feel like my nervous system has gone into rest mode. I don’t think I have felt this peace in my body and consciousness ever. You are a deeply gifted healer and practitioner and I was so honored to be in your presence.” – Tania B

“Jaitara is a very intuitive woman, has a gentle and loving presence, and creates a safe space to support the healing process. During my session with her, I was beautifully guided to a different timeline to the root of my issue where we resolved a block about expressing my sexual energy. Then through a channeled meditation, she guided me to reconnect my myself to divine sexual energy together with my light body. It was a blissful feeling and my body was filled with love. It was wonderful experience. Jaitara’s work is very special.” ~ Lenka, UK; Therapist/ Healer

“I’ve carried anxiety, confusion and grief from childhood. Although I’ve managed to heal a lot, these feelings have persisted. I love Jaitara’s book, The Four Sacred Laws of Sexual Enlightenment. I found her extremely easy to be open with. I felt seen, heard, and held in a safe energetic container. After our session, I sensed an unusual amount of peace enveloping me, and felt excited to live my life from this new place of more self compassion. If you are looking for powerful work and results, I recommend Jaitara with all my heart.” ~ Mara M. in British Columbia, Canada

To sum up my session – it felt like I had 8000 hours of therapy in an hour and a half. Jaitara held sacred space for me to share where I was stuck. Even after multiple hours of previous therapy, I was still having issues with a part of my past. Jaitara worked her magic and by the end of the session I felt whole again. She is kind, warm and amazing at what she does. I highly recommend her!

—Anonymous in Alberta, Canada


Let's get started...

Deep Dive Clearing

1 Session: $240 USD

40% savings on 1st session ($144).

Use coupon code: CLEARING40

Package of 3 sessions

$580 USD


Save $200 with coupon code: PACKAGE400

Consultation call

Have questions?

Book a free consultation with Jaitara to receive the clarity you need.

* Once you pay for your session & "Complete Order", you will land on the online calendar to schedule your first session.

@ Copyright 2023 - Jaitara Jayde - Feminine Artistry | All rights reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms of Agreement