JANUARY 6 - 12, 2025


Does your soul yearn to just let go, receive, and just BE in the warmth and beauty of a tropical paradise, surrounded by the love of Sisterhood?

Do you feel that something deep down is ready to be released and let go, so you can finally experience you in the way you know you can?

Are you ready to give birth to a new creation, new expression, new freedom?

Come join us and be held in the arms of the Mayan Moon Goddess Ixchel, and surrender to deep transformational healing, as we dive deep and play hard, grounded in love, illuminating the purest and most powerful you, so you can bring abundant fertility and prosperity to that which you are creating in 2025.

Dance, breath, and this jewel of tropical nature paradise are your medicine here, women's wisdom your expansion; freedom of expression is your liberation, on our own private beach resort as we savor the sacred pleasures of soft white sand, turquoise water, delicious food, and playful abandon!

or click here to Contact Jaitara to discuss now


JUNE 9 - 18, 2025


Are you a spiritually attuned woman, ready to blow the lid off the cauldron and be in your full potency, so you can express & create from your most playful, peaceful, turned-on self? — Then join us for this magical liberating adventure in Sicily as you unleash and ignite your inner Venus… Goddess of Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity.

Dance, breath, and the surrounding nature of this ancient and are your medicine here. Women's wisdom is your expansion; freedom of expression is your liberation.

You will feel delicious in your body as never before as you ignite your full radiance from the inside out, emanating a new level of magnetic attraction, as we play in magical mystical Sicily... a land where there are no limits!




Are you a CEO, feeling the effects of stress or burnout?

Or, do you work in the spotlight and the impact of always being in the public eye is taking its toll?

You know you need to do some deep dive work with an experienced professional, but a group event does not provide the privacy and confidentiality you require to fully open up and dive deep.

During this 5 day private confidential one-on-one retreat with Jaitara, you will radically reset to a lighter space of personal power that’s grounded in deep inner peace and joy.

Since 2002

I have been facilitating live events from small groups to rooms with up to 400 participants since 2002.

I have held space and guided thousands of participants and private clients through their own healing, awakening, and breakthroughs.

Hosting events is one of my passions, and I take great pleasure in knowing my guests feel held and cared for in the highest way.

It is my honor to connect with you and be your guide on your journey of transformation and liberation, so you can create from your most playful, peaceful, passionate self.

Much love,

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